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About ICF

Judsen Bruzgul

Vice President, Climate Resilience + ICF Climate Center Senior Fellow
Judsen Bruzgul, Ph.D., helps clients assess vulnerabilities and manage risks from changing climate and extreme weather to infrastructure and natural resources in the United States and abroad.

Judsen (Ph.D.) helps clients assess vulnerabilities and manage risks from changing climate and extreme weather to infrastructure and natural resources in the United States and abroad. His expertise includes translating climate science into practical information for decision-making, conducting risk assessments for assets and operations, analyzing costs and benefits of resilience actions, and supporting long-term planning for climate adaptation and resilience. Judsen leads a portfolio of work assessing risks and building resilience to extreme weather and climate change with energy utilities across the country. He has provided expertise and project leadership for clients including Con Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, New York City, and other major infrastructure owners.

Judsen has provided expert advice and cutting-edge research related to the technical, strategic, and policy challenges posed by climate risks since 2000. Before joining us, he worked at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, developing and implementing resilience policy recommendations.

Judsen is also a senior fellow with the ICF Climate Center. In this role, he provides compelling research and objective perspectives on a wide range of climate-related topics to help advance climate conversations and accelerate climate action.

"We can't afford to wait—extreme weather and climate change are already impacting businesses, communities, and government missions. Even with an aggressive reduction in emissions, we need to understand and manage climate risks now."
  • Ph.D., Stanford University
  • B.A., Middlebury College
  • Bruzgul, J., Robert Kay, Andy Petrow, Tommy Hendrickson, Beth Rodehorst, David Revell, Maya Bruguera, Dan Moreno, Ken Collison. (ICF and Revell Coastal). (2018). Rising Seas and Electricity Infrastructure: Potential Impacts and Adaptation Actions for San Diego Gas & Electric. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, California Energy Commission. Publication Number: CCCA4-CEC- 2018-004.
  • Bruzgul, J., Robert Kay, Andy Petrow, Beth Rodehorst, David Revell, Maya Bruguera, Tommy Hendrickson, Kevin Petak, Dan Moreno, Julio Manik. (ICF and Revell Coastal). (2018). Potential Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Actions for Gas Assets in the San Diego Gas and Electric Company Service Area. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, California Energy Commission. Publication number: CCCA4-CEC-2018-009.
  • U.S. Department of Energy (Lead Author). (2016). Climate Change and the Electricity Sector: Guide for Assessing Vulnerabilities and Developing Resilience Solutions to Sea Level Rise. Washington, D.C.


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